Now and again she waved the torch, but it was a purely mechanical gesture, while her other hand clutched the cold hand of the boy beside her.
With a mechanical gesture he took out his watch.
Uniformed guards grabbed the rangy man by the arms and in a smooth, mechanical gesture, swung him over the catwalk.
Suddenly, with a stiff mechanical gesture, the figure's arm moved.
Their dreadful music is the result of a purely mechanical gesture, and is only intended to keep them on the right side of the law.
The actual sound seemed removed in time from the mechanical gesture: "How are you?"
Sweeping movements across the space gave way to mechanical gestures for women who appeared to be plastered against the back wall.
Her hands made a clumsy, mechanical gesture towards tidying the hair, while the eyes searched my face.
He was making mechanical gestures with his hands, sweeping them forward and outward.
- Like the mechanical gestures of the marionette wiping the tears, which nevertheless wields the power of mystery.