Although Stewart has a way of strengthening the mind game, he also picked up on the mechanical glitch Ashby had in his delivery.
Dr. Chansky considers phobias a "mechanical glitch" in the brain, prompting an "exaggeration of risk plus an underestimation of the ability to cope."
A naval aviator, he had seen close friends vanish from a trivial mistake or a mechanical glitch - or seemingly nothing at all.
There was one mechanical glitch.
When the mechanical glitches are smoothed out, the buses are to be tested on the road for about a year.
It would be hard to blame the Chinese for an ordinary mechanical glitch.
And a slight mechanical glitch had prevented the outer doors from cycling open.
The pilot successfully ejected, but due to a mechanical glitch the back-seater was killed.
That take-off was canceled by a mechanical glitch.
At least, until we find out it's definitely just a mechanical glitch and not sabotage.