Structure's vital to the mechanical origins - teeth, jaw muscles, digestive system, and so on.
Another common practice is to identify each downtime event as having an operational, electrical or mechanical origin.
Mr. Auer's approach to tone and articulation illuminated the work's mechanical origins, at least at the start.
For example, based on the mechanical origin of acoustic waves, a moving disturbance in space-time can exist if and only if the medium involved is neither infinitely stiff nor infinitely pliable.
"This module thought you might be in need of some assistance, Captain Kirk," the machine said in a voice that bore no trace of mechanical origins.
Android animals which exactly mimic the real thing are produced to fill the gap, but their owners hide their mechanical origin from outsiders.
Joysticks were present in early planes, though their mechanical origins are uncertain.
This could have been an argument for the theory of the mechanical origin of the sound in the days when some still insisted that it was vocal.
Plucking of zither vied with tinkling bells; though the harmony seemed to be of mechanical origin, its lightened tones were captivating.
The quantum mechanical origin of MEG is still under debate and several possibilities have been suggested: