In mechanical terms this is the operation of a product until it fails, often under stresses such as increasing vibration, temperature, and humidity.
The Chief combines the two meanings of the word and sees the Combine's sinister power in mechanical terms.
You are not damaged or malfunctioning or any other mechanical term you'd care to use.
The bicycle is extraordinarily efficient in both biological and mechanical terms.
A bicycle's performance, in both biological and mechanical terms, is extraordinarily efficient.
It was a school of medicine in the seventeenth century which attempted to explain physiological phenomena in mechanical terms.
Oh, in pure mechanical terms, he's the only one left who didn't need a way out.
People, cowed by the machines that had grown bigger than themselves, could no longer think except in mechanical terms.
This in turn makes this setup very simple in mechanical terms, but does have some drawbacks of its own.
Once, not so long ago, everything was described in mechanical terms.