Possessing a mechanical trade, it was easy for them to find French businessmen who gave them work, allowing them to leave the camp.
He then continued in mechanical trade, specializing in mechanics.
Men trained to serve in mechanical trades.
In fact, Evans suggests that interstate slave traders received a wage greater than that of an alternative profession in skilled mechanical trades.
Deb expanded its product range and has long offered a range of products either related to detergent ingredients, or sold to the same mechanical trades.
From 1857 to 1861 he pursued mechanical trades "which may have included engineering, mechanical, or machine shop work."
Offerings there range from mechanical and building trades to office technology and health care.
The ITEC will house programs in the industrial and mechanical trades.
In construction, a sleeve is used both by the electrical and mechanical trades to create a penetration.
Not one, in a community overrun with educated idlers who were above following their fathers' mechanical trades, yet could find no market for their book-knowledge.