Unfortunately this trend would continue as the season progressed, with the NPT-91s suffering from heavy accidents and various mechanical woes that prevented them from finishing.
After a difficult start to the season with mechanical woes at Qatar and Spain, Kallio would consistently be fighting around the top six positions.
Although both teams suffered mechanical woes throughout the season, Team Take One was able to take a fourth place finish at TI Aida.
Alas, Paris, because of its human and mechanical woes, was left at the starter's gate.
The middle stages of the race saw few troubles, save for the retirements of both Lotuses with mechanical woes.
If something changes, it could be a warning of mechanical woes.
The pace was equally off in the race, and mechanical woes saw only three Northstar LMPs finish, a disappointing 19th, 21st, and 22nd.
Although the NSX squad suffered mechanical woes and were unable to take the title, the Integras of the touring class once again took the teams championship.
Starting 46th in the fifty-car field, Barron completed most of the race before finishing 30th with mechanical woes.
This is after he had mechanical woes.