The manual mechanism of the instrument either enables the air flow, or disables it:
This mechanism enables certain scrubbers to effectively remove the very tiny particles (less than 0.1 m).
These mechanisms enable Parties to achieve emission reductions or to remove carbon from the atmosphere cost-effectively in other countries.
The mechanism enabled furniture to be moved into the building.
There was no sign of the slaves who operated it; doubtless some mechanism enabled them to perform the task from an adjacent room.
The mechanism of the currency board system enabled Lithuania to stabilize inflation rates to single digits.
But the mechanism, intended to protect depositors, enabled thrift executives to attract funds, even while they took big risks with large amounts of money.
This mechanism will enable the Commission to keep a close eye on developments in these very important areas.
The European Union institutions must develop mechanisms to enable the citizens to bring their own ideas and thoughts into the decision-making process.
An internal pivot mechanism enables each face to turn independently, thus mixing up the colours.