The Guardia also fielded a small armoured corps, organized since 1978 into a single mechanized company while platoon-sized units where attached to General Somoza Combat Battalion, the Presidential Guard, the engineer battalion, and the EEBI Infantry School.
The 3rd Battalion, along with an attached mechanized company from the 1st, provided the basis for the Canadian ISAF contingent in Kabul, Afghanistan, from February to August 2004.
Washington is spending $64 million to train and equip about 2,000 Georgian border guards and a mechanized company as a fast-reaction antiterrorist force.
Half an hour after that, Lieutenant Hale's radio man reported that half the Marines were dead-including the lieutenant-and that the remaining Marines were attempting to hold off what appeared to be a full mechanized company of North Vietnamese regulars.
They were faced with an Iraqi mechanized company with hundreds of troops, and a four-and-a-half-hour battle began.
At the same time the 2nd Granatieri di Sardegna Regiment in Spoleto was reduced to two mechanized companies that came under the 1st Granatieri di Sardegna Regiment.
They are light mechanized companies trained for urban combat with the defense of Stockholm as its first and foremost wartime duty.
THE FRENCH mechanized company had put its ar- mored personnel carders and scout cars into a cir- cular laager for the night.
But he also noted that the mechanized companies do turn out a small amount of machine-made shmura.
So a Pakistani tank platoon and two Malaysian mechanized companies were contacted and told to move to the staging area.