The media (ourselves included, clearly) have latched on to this "Mila Kunis/Marine Date" story and aren't letting go.
But the media - and just about everybody else - latched on to the idea that the microchip industry was developing at an exponential rate.
The media latched on to the Hickle case with predictable vigor.
Local media latched on to their "pirate" story, giving them a huge shot in the arm in their first year.
I'm always surprised by the underlining meanness, about the selectivity of the quotes, about how the media will latch onto the neatest sound bite.
In his view, the media frequently latch on to a generally agreed "script" with little regard for facts that contradict the script.
As had been the case on Bligh's tour 20 years before, the Australian media latched fervently onto the term, and, this time it stuck.
Rehling wrote that the disappearance had all the ingredients the media and public could latch onto: a whodunnit involving a white, middle-class, nuclear family caught up in a nightmare of evil abroad.
Anonymous is an organisation that seeks media attention, part of their don't attack journalist rule, but at the same time Anon can't pick the stories that the media latches on to.
The media have latched on to patients like Magic Johnson, whose "viral load," the measure of H.I.V. in the blood, is now undetectable after treatment with protease inhibitors.