I do consulting in media placement, especially dealing with netplacings, but everyone thinks that it's so specialized.
This might encourage advertisers to rethink their media placement.
Another issue in media placement is whether media vendors will accept alcohol advertising.
We evaluate them by how they do in media placement each day: Did you get on TV?
Still, a situation like this gives an agency an opportunity to be creative in its media placement.
Print media placement, trade advertising and direct mail will continue to be done by Hartmarx's in-house agency.
Advertiser opportunities include media placement, sponsored programs, branded content integration, and interactive tools.
Ogilvy will now handle assignments like media placement and brand strategies.
To aid in media placement, Soviet propaganda was provided free of charge, and many stories came with cash benefits.
Its commission-based billings are tied to the amount the client (that is, the producer) spends on media placement.