What is about women and the media powerhouse behind it that allows sexist talk to thrive in the 21st century?
What is it about the beautiful game and the media powerhouse behind it that allows this sort of language to thrive in the 21st century?
For Westinghouse, the deal represents perhaps the last major step in its effort to turn itself from an industrial conglomerate into a media powerhouse.
The one-woman media powerhouse talks about the pleasures of making things.
They were extreme media powerhouses from the '30's through the '70's.
But the company has said it has competed fairly on the road to becoming a media powerhouse.
Who was better suited to such a task than a media powerhouse like Mr. Murdoch, after all?
As a 23-year-old minority woman who has been employed by two media powerhouses, I have ideas for their future that certainly differ from the moguls'.
That and his thinning hair made him look older than his age and more like a bank teller than a media powerhouse.
The company, once regarded as a potential media powerhouse, has focused its recent Web investments mainly on communications, shopping, travel, scheduling and personal finance.