And they will have the incentive to find alternative methods of promotion, like focusing more on book groups, the Internet and local media reviews.
In the United States media reviews were mixed.
Start by reading media reviews of new businesses or check out online reviews.
The magazine had three main sections: academic articles, general articles that were more informal, and media reviews.
Though the scene is the only implication of incest in the film, it came to be the film's definitive moment in contemporary media reviews.
Most of the media reviews have regarded the film positively, with some calling it a "powerful" and "emotional" record of the era.
A printed media review is located in Freese, Robert.
Chan's albums were met with positive media reviews.
Such comments have been echoed in other small-form media reviews.
On the year 2003, Kekal released 1000 Thoughts of Violence and received positive media reviews which led to their first international tour in 2004.