In the four days between publication and my escape, the media turned the story on its head.
"The sense of fighting it, that the public's supportive and the media hasn't turned against us."
Also, over the next few days the media will probably turn Massengil into some kind of hero.
When the news broke and the media turned its attention on him, it was obvious that he did not like being in the public eye.
The fans and the media turned against him as well.
The heroic media turns on our hero when he is no longer of any use for them.
"If someone wanted to interview someone who was knowledgeable, he would be the person the media turned to."
She regretted it because having the media there had turned a bad situation into a disaster.
The Western media will occasionally turn their eye toward Africa for a week or so.
The media quickly turned its attention to Picasso's fortune and family.