The success of the song came after the rise in media visibility of voluptuous personalities like Beyoncé.
Many are content, but some say they are repelled by Mr. Lutnick's media visibility.
Prior to high media visibility of its products, it was a major supplier to companies such as McDonald's and school lunch programs.
"He was getting a lot of problems with people where he was employed - especially with the media visibility he had gained," she said.
Non-white-identified Hispanics have limited media visibility.
Given the disparity in resources and media visibility between the two contending sides, I suspect that the neoconservative consensus will hold.
Not to ask for votes rather to promote its activist message by including its shocking logo into the electoral ballots and getting media visibility.
Mateo utilized his media visibility as an entrepreneur and community activist to become involved in Republican politics at a municipal, statewide, and national level.
Non-white people also have limited media visibility.