The Alx4 region, the medial region, and the Hox8 expressing area meet at a proximal area where the AER develops.
Intratrochlear nerve - conveys sensation to the medial region of the eyelids, the palpebral conjunctiva, the nasion (nasolabial junction), and the bony dorsum.
During these procedures, sites of brain activation include the prefrontal cortex, specifically the right dorsolateral, ventrolateral, and medial regions, as well as the median frontal lobe.
Supratrochlear nerve - conveys sensation to the medial region of the eyelid skin area, and the medial region of the forehead skin.
During ovulation in rats, for example, "the receptors for oxytocin in the ventral medial region will go up by 100 percent," said Dr. Insel.
In the temporal cortex, for instance, the medial region is related to recollection whereas the anterior region is related to familiarity.
An even more specific account divides the medial parietal region, relating the posterior cingulate to recollection and the precuneus to familiarity.
There are four pale rufous bands along the medial, postmedial, submarginal region.
It is usually divided into medial and lateral regions with three bands with distinct properties and connectivity running perpendicular across the whole area.
The hippocampus, located within the medial temporal regions, has also been highly related to memory processes.