The costs for the age group of 1-17 are $13,573 for a mean and the median cost is $12,513.
The mean cost for the age group of 18-44 is $16,656 and the median cost is $14,082.
In Oregon, for example, the median cost of a state Senate race increased by 157 percent between 1982 and 1988.
The median cost of a three-bedroom, two-bathroom home is about $200,000, she said.
The median cost of houses and condos combined is $343,214.
The data also showed that Columbia's median cost for providing care to a patient was 1.5 percent less than other hospitals'.
The median cost of a home in New Canaan, for example, rose almost $26,000, to $768,267.
The median cost of a house is $420,000.
For homeowners with a mortgage, the median monthly cost rose 66.3 percent after inflation, to $1,096.
In the 28 jurisdictions with figures available, the median cost of setting up the systems was $164,000.