They are thought to number around 250 (median estimate).
Ms. Rupert estimates the employment number will increase by 175,000, while the median estimate is for a rise of 195,000.
Opinions vary regarding the total extension of the region, however the median estimate is about 100% total lateral extension.
Asked about the cost to the Federal budget of international peacekeeping, half of the sample in the poll gave a median estimate of 22 percent.
Taking a median estimate on Dr Wick-ram's time limits we should be disposing of this mine in nine hours' time - six a.m. tomorrow.
Reflecting this, the range around the €250bn median estimate is €50bn to €450bn.
The median estimate for earnings growth, Mr. Paulsen said, now stands at 13 percent.
This final analysis gives a very good guess at the target's location: the median estimate is about 690m away from the target's actual position.
We used a selection threshold giving a median estimate of 0.5 false-positive genes (false detection rate of 0.088%) for further analysis.
From this, they developed a median estimate of 800,000 members.