An organized study of polar health issues collecting all these medical anomalies would be very useful.
David, both Peter and I feel that you and Ravi are quite capable of continuing to explore the medical anomalies.
Apparently both medical anomalies were a result of incest.
Partly it's the medical anomaly I assume Judy mentioned.
We were an unlikely group, the three of us, united only by our being blindsided by a medical anomaly that we share with hundreds of other women.
Health care practitioners had to deal with medical anomalies they had never seen during the First World War.
But the doctor's responsibility began and ended with medical anomalies.
Talk about medical anomalies!
"You get the feeling," Ms. Francis added, "that anybody who has more than three kids is either doing it for bizarre reasons or there's a medical anomaly."
Outside of his career in medicine, he has written several nonfiction books on a variety of topics, such as medical anomalies and unsolved murder mysteries.