He entered the nearest thought casket, had the medical apparatus close about him.
"Or people may want to know if some piece of medical apparatus will fit through the doorway."
There, computerized medical apparatus, robotic surgeons, and dozens of life-support systems waited for him.
He chose a larger room, that Doc Harstell had fitted out with medical apparatus.
A lover of opera, he is sustained by a complex medical apparatus and enjoys playing Hammond organ.
As her eyes adjust she can make out the shapes she has never seen before: A medical apparatus?
Under the program, various association councils appraised medical apparatus and evaluated brands of vitamin D milk.
A. Our largest customers were manufacturers of latex rubber gloves, balloons, medical apparatus and condoms.
If necessary, the results are proofed by further diagnostic tests, which may include procedures using medical apparatus.
It extends the category of equipment to, inter alia, medical apparatus.