Exports, consisting of equipment, chemicals, optical and medical appliances, have gone up.
The most common form of nebulizers are medical appliances such as asthma inhalers or paint spray cans.
There are two rates for state sales tax: 6.25% for general merchandise and 1% for qualifying food, drugs, and medical appliances.
Inside were medical appliances, two medicine glasses, eyebath, eye dropper and a few labelled bottles.
He packed up the dispatch-case in which he had his medical appliances, washed his hands, and shuffled himself into a heavy coat.
In the 1930's, 'spectacles' were described as "medical appliances."
The charge is the same regardless of the actual cost of the medicine, but higher charges apply to medical appliances.
In medicine, a port (or portacath) is a small medical appliance that is installed beneath the skin.
Qualifying food, drugs, medicines and medical appliances have sales tax of 1% plus local home rule tax depending on the location where purchased.
Prescription drugs and medical appliances are available to all for free or at a reduced cost.