While money plays a big role in some doctors' decisions to sell products, other doctors say medical considerations are paramount.
A healthy adoption is one where the child is placed where he or she will thrive, no matter what the medical considerations may be.
In addition to medical considerations real or imagined, there is another deterrent to opioid use: fear.
But, leaving aside the medical considerations, she was also privileged to observe the daily life of the richest family ever seen on the planet.
His age, which would seem to be a good reason for calling an end to The Streak, is less of a factor than medical considerations.
Once a person is on the list, Newman said, "the only factors are medical considerations."
Subject to overriding medical considerations, the circumcision must take place eight days after the birth of the child, even when this falls on Shabbat.
Managing the response usually encompasses coordinating psychological, medical and legal considerations.
Such decisions are informed both by technical, medical considerations, economic factors as well as bioethics.
As the Church grew, however, ecclesiastical and medical considerations became more intertwined, especially at the dinner table.