MedVarsity has developed over 1500 hours of medical content that is accessible to the medical community anytime and anywhere.
An extensive collection of medical content was initially envisioned, but when no revenue opportunities could be identified, this was all but abandoned.
Aside from linguistic skills, it requires specific training and subject matter knowledge in order to translate medical content.
As time goes on, more medical content will make its way onto the Internet.
And since she says she believes studying narrative teaches skills and "increases empathy and imagination" generally, medical content is irrelevant.
Seven pages on Sir Almroth Wright who contributed only, however, to the medical content of a non-major play, "The Doctor's Dilemma."
Dr. Gansler is the director of medical content for the American Cancer Society.
The top-rated drama "E.R." has lots of medical content in its emergency rooms but is really about the doctors, nurses and patients involved.
Ruth Schneider reviews medical content for Healthwise, a nonprofit organization with a mission to help people make better health decisions.
Firstly, discussion of plant lore was reduced and with the increased medical content there emerged the official pharmacopoeia.