During the Vietnam War, Chambliss received student deferments and was also given a medical deferment (1-Y) for bad knees due to a football injury.
This was not an uncommon scene in 1970, when medical deferments were a frequently used avenue for those reluctant to take part in the unpopular war in Vietnam.
Dr. Dean got the medical deferment, but in a recent interview he said he probably could have served had he not mentioned the condition.
Even the candidate's mother, Andree Maitland Dean, said in a recent interview about his skiing after receiving a medical deferment, "Yeah, that looks bad."
For many who did not wish to serve, a medical deferment was the easiest route of escape.
Dean got a medical deferment from Vietnam and spent his time skiing in Aspen.
For two years, I tried for a medical deferment.
Thesz was drafted into the army in 1944 despite a legitimate injury to his knee and multiple medical deferments.
Mr. Altman was spared that decision because asthma assured him a medical deferment.
Many seemingly healthy people will obtain questionable medical deferments.