Some long-term complications may be prevented with proper home treatment and medical follow-up.
Have a medical follow-up and support system in place for questions and complications.
Women with a strong family history should talk with a doctor to see whether closer medical follow-up could be helpful.
Know your recommended medical follow-ups and keep up with them.
"No. 2, the need for long-term medical follow-up of this population is absolutely clear."
Provide a full continuum of services for the children residing in the 250 units, including blood samples, reporting, treatment and medical follow-up.
I think unrestricted availability of contraceptives without any medical follow-up does not show due respect for women's health.
The Committee did not recommend special medical follow-up for persons with cardiovascular risk factors who had been vaccinated.
Typical issues involve fears about repeated medical follow-up and diagnostic tests.
Of these, approximately 3.5 million (6 percent) are abnormal and require medical follow-up.