There were no patients in evidence, no wheelchairs, gurneys, or medical paraphernalia.
There was a white porcelain sink mounted on the wall and glass-fronted cabinets filled with medical paraphernalia along one side of the room.
The hospital conference table was often a repository for medical paraphernalia under consideration for purchase.
Because the author's parents were both physicians, their house spills over with drugs and medical paraphernalia.
Only as he packed away the medical paraphernalia did he realize how close he had come.
For a while now the narrow house has been filling up with medical paraphernalia, with doctoring tackle.
A desk, video equipment and medical paraphernalia completed the room's furnishings.
In the corner of the office nearest the desk was a rolling oxygen tent with shelves for a variety of other medical paraphernalia.
It was rather large and seemed to be furnished exclusively with medical paraphernalia.
His inventory of medical paraphernalia was 9 pages long, and brought $461.51 at auction January 13, 1826.