The extended shutdown created a shortage of medical radioisotopes of which Canada produced about 60 per cent of the world's supply.
It is one of the two largest global producers of medical radioisotopes.
CRL produces about one-third of the world's supply of medical radioisotopes.
Its Molybdenum-42 facility was used to medical radioisotopes for treating cancer.
Some captured medical radioisotopes, scattered along the roads and paths.
In addition to producing medical radioisotopes, reactors produce beams of neutrons, which are put to various beneficial uses.
The shutdown is causing a shortage of medical radioisotopes.
It produced the first medical and industrial radioisotopes made in Argentina, and was used to train staff for the first two nuclear power stations there.
The reactor shutdown caused problems with supply shortage of medical radioisotopes, which are used for testing to determine whether a patient has a disease.
HFIR went critical in 1965 and has been used for materials research and as a major sources of medical radioisotopes since.