She has taught statistics, been a medical receptionist, and been employed in computing at university.
The Health Center employs one physician, three nurses, and two medical receptionists to serve approximately 1,200 patients.
Now divorced, she receives Medicaid and food stamps and earns $24,000 a year as a medical receptionist.
Her mother is a medical receptionist at Franklin Pediatrics, a group practice in Morristown, N.J.
Zoe Travers, the medical receptionist, grinned.
Mrs. Kirby's daughter, Dede Maloney, a medical receptionist, has also lived in Rye her entire life.
His mother, Diane Bierman, a medical receptionist in Woodbury, said that orderliness was second nature to her son.
"Prices there were absolutely out of sight," said Mrs. Baldassare, a medical receptionist.
And it's up to people like us medical receptionists to maintain the standards.
Now she lives at home, attends community college and works as a medical receptionist for an Egyptian doctor.