He is married to Professor Helen Roberts, the medical sociologist.
To my mind, what I do as a medical sociologist is just as scientific.
Anyway isn't the Medical Research Council canvassing medical sociologists for grant applications?
In addition to his skills as a clinician and teacher, Dr. Bloom was a medical sociologist and an accomplished author.
That makes siblings "the ultimate insurance policy," says Deborah T. Gold, a medical sociologist at Duke University Medical Center.
"People want to feel a part of their health care," said David Mechanic, a medical sociologist at Rutgers University.
Her mother, Judith Barr, is a medical sociologist.
One consultant who worked with PricewaterhouseCoopers was Rachel Volberg, a medical sociologist who runs Gemini Resources, which measures gambling rates around the world.
Two years ago, Dr. Kathryn Taylor, a medical sociologist at York University in Toronto, asked 20 Jewish families their opinions on the breast cancer research.
The author, a medical sociologist in Canada, was doubly cursed when he was stricken at age 39 by a heart attack, at 40 by testicular cancer.