A medical thriller revolving around a conservative Southern senator and the inventor of a new cloning procedure.
She just sold two medical thrillers to Pocket Books for more than $1 million.
Brain is a medical thriller written by Robin Cook.
This medical thriller tells the story of three female doctors trying to prove themselves in a profession dominated by men.
Doctors are into courses, on anything from their science to their investments, so now one has popped up to teach them to write medical thrillers.
But the buzz these days in publishing is about the resurgence of another genre, the medical thriller.
His main objective was to construct a medical thriller that "really felt like what could happen".
Like most of Cook's other work, it is a medical thriller.
The jacket copy describes this book as "the most terrifying medical thriller.
This scenario, which sounds like a current medical thriller, actually took place in Philadelphia in 1793.