Court decrees require a quick shelter placement for medically fragile families.
These costs will continue to increase as more and more medically fragile babies survive.
It has recently expanded its focus to include those who are either elderly or medically fragile along with having an intellectual disability.
The Reach Out program provides educational services for students with severe disabilities who are medically fragile and unable to attend a community school.
During this time the baby may be medically fragile and have feeding problems because the heart is working very hard.
At first, Ms. Lewis was a little reluctant to take on the challenge of caring for another medically fragile child.
She was a medically fragile student that required a space in the school that emergency workers and equipment could have easy access to.
This is when I get the greatest satisfaction from my job, when a medically fragile patient has a reason to smile.
The parents of a severely disabled and medically fragile child shared further concerns about access to accommodations for families with profound needs.
Her supporters, including parents of other medically fragile children, contend the case is a witch hunt.