By twenty-eight I was an associate professor of pediatrics and psychology and director of a support program for medically ill youngsters.
The clinical assessment of drug-taking behaviors in medically ill patients with pain is complex.
Religious coping and depression among elderly, hospitalized medically ill men.
Religiosity and remission of depression in medically ill older patients.
Depression and anxiety, in turn, make medically ill people heavier users of medical services.
Major depression is more common in medically ill patients who are older than 70 years and hospitalized or institutionalized.
The terms are not entirely appropriate to use to describe medically ill people who are using drugs therapeutically.
Floors will be designated to house general population, protective custody, homosexual, medically ill and high security inmates.
Dr. Bernstein specialized in the personality development of retarded, burned, disfigured and medically ill children and adults.
These include the very young, older people, the medically ill and those on certain types of medications.