He is best known medically for his work in the area of microfracture surgery, and publicly for treating injured sports stars from around the world.
Medically known as food-borne illness or food-borne disease, you probably know food poisoning as miserable - whatever it's called.
Lohani was suffering from a liver condition medically known as fatty liver and was also a blood pressure patient.
Canker sores are medically known as aphthous stomatitis.
Medically known as dyspareunia, in up to 80% of women the cause is physiological.
What causes dry skin - or xerosis, as it's known medically?
On the other hand, if the degree of his dependence was known medically, he would be returned to a hospital ward.
Medically known as the scapula, it is thought that the word "scapula" came from the Greek word skaptein, which means "to dig."
Eleven states have banned the procedure, known medically as "intact dilation and evacuation," out of 40 that have taken it up.
Such an erection is medically known as nocturnal penile tumescence (informally: morning wood or morning glory).