But Dr. Sande said stopping AZT for such people would also be a medically sound decision.
But she said her department intended to require the network "to develop the specific, medically sound policies" for achieving her goal of the equitable distribution of organs.
Allocation includes the system of policies and guidelines which ensure that organs are distributed in an equitable, ethical and medically sound manner.
As public servants, our sense of purpose will be reflected solely in our time sensitive, medically sound and respectful, compassionate delivery of professional emergency medical services.
To support this it cited testimony by the city's Health Commissioner, Margaret A. Hamburg, that the condom plan was a "strong and medically sound program that is responsive to critical health needs."
"It is a medically sound form of treatment bridging the medical and scientific community and the creative alternative community," Ms. Seibel said.
The argument that baboons are considered "pests" in parts of Africa has no bearing on transplantation; there is no practical or medically sound way to obtain organs from wild baboons for transplants.
It is important to say here that a medically sound approach and one that shows ethical wisdom are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
The act has since been adopted by most US states and is intended "to provide a comprehensive and medically sound basis for determining death in all situations".
The confusion on the Web site concerned the classification of masking agents as specified substances, which means they are drugs particularly susceptible to causing positive tests even if used for medically sound reasons.