The evidence that does exist looks at results after 48 weeks of treatment at the same medication doses as people with genotype 1.
Then the participants were told the drug would start being administered, though no change was made in the medication dose.
Weight gain is common as your doctor increases your medication dose.
Your doctor will tell you if any of your medication doses need to be changed.
DON'T change your medication dose or schedule without talking with your doctor.
The health care provider may increase the medication dose in times of:
Do not change your medication dose or schedule without your doctor's advice.
It's important to let your doctor know about your new exercise program in case your medication doses need to be changed.
Before delivery, the epidural medication dose can be decreased so that you can push more effectively while remaining alert and relatively comfortable.
Doctors need to be receptive to hearing about side effects, and be open to lowering medication doses or trying a different class of drugs, he adds.