If you are working with a psychiatrist, a lot of the treatment may be focused on medication management.
Students see a therapist twice a week for individual therapy and a psychiatrist as necessary for medication management.
Improve the quality and safety of medication management.
Take advantage of this online community-talk with others caring for depressed people about daily struggles, medication management and what annoys you the most.
Some 17,000 people, 10 times as many from five years ago, have signed up for county programs providing health information, exercise sessions and medication management.
The new facility created 30 local, professional jobs for those focusing on understanding illnesses, medication management, and community management skills.
So how can we - the patients - improve our medication management?
Telemedicine can be used for diagnosis and assessment, medication management, and to provide individual or group therapy.
Case managers work with families to identify their needs, such as substance abuse treatment, medication management, parenting skills training and domestic violence services.
The third tier offers psychiatric consultations for individuals who receive and desire only medication management.