"Plants are important for economic, medicinal and economic reasons but the public generally doesn't even know they exist much less their value," Dr. MacBryde said.
There are not many traditional uses for Ethiopian wolves, though their livers may be used for medicinal reasons in northern Ethiopia.
However, it remained possible to obtain alcohol from a pharmacy for medicinal reasons with a doctor's prescription.
If you must take a drink for medicinal reasons in the middle of the day, you might as well do it right.
The plants are being taken to sell in markets for medicinal reasons.
So - now you know, I'll be off to reluctanly knock back a glass of reserva Rioja, purely for medicinal reasons...
Ginger has been used for a long time for multiple medicinal reasons in the Far East.
He took opium for medicinal reasons.
Mr. Lawlor says there is little enforcement of the marijuana laws when it comes to people who can argue that they are using marijuana for medicinal reasons.
Coca has been cultivated for 8000 years by indigenous people in the Andes for medicinal and religious reasons.