The men were carrying medicinal roots in case of malaria or other fevers.
Bamboo shoots, mushrooms, fruit, medicinal or culinary roots, and leaves are gathered in the forest according to the season.
Bupleurum (Thorowax) is a medicinal root found natively in East Asia.
The priest gave each player a piece of medicinal root to chew.
In addition to helping with the crops, the gardeners spent time with Lee, gleaning and gathering medicinal roots, tanning agents, and herbs.
To his surprise, not only did the medicinal root give no help but it nauseated his friend.
He deals in the spices, herbs and medicinal roots found only at the foot of the Mountain Sin'hai.
Black cohosh, also known as black snakeroot or bugbane, is a medicinal root.
Kava, a medicinal root used to calm anxiety, restlessness, sleeplessness, and stress-related symptoms, such as muscle tension or spasm.
Southwick's notebook added that the main exports were cocoa, coffee, hides, dyewood and medicinal roots.