Her pediatrician took stock of the impasse and referred her to an adolescent medicine clinic.
Many Flushing residents do not see a problem with most of the traditional medicine clinics.
While professional groups representing medical doctors have not come out against the natural medicine clinic here, they remain somewhat skeptical.
A. The weekend warrior injury is a staple of the orthopedic and sports medicine clinic.
They will also inspect nuclear medicine clinics to account for radioactive materials that could be used in dirty bombs.
You can go to your general practice, a genitourinary medicine clinic or a sexual health clinic.
Results of the organization's efforts include an innovation teaching lab and retail medicine clinics.
The 19th Medical Group offers family practice, pediatrics and flight medicine clinics that will provide the bulk of care.
The pathology block (labelled D) which also contains the genitourinary medicine clinic.
A occupational medicine clinic was added in 1999.