Some medieval Western depictions, usually of the Meeting at Emmaus, where his disciples do not recognise him at first (Luke.24.13-32), showed Jesus wearing a Jewish hat.
The common medieval depiction of the Devil was that of a goat-like face with horns and small beard (a goatee).
These are sometimes shown in medieval depictions of the Ascension in art.
He describes medieval depictions of Jesus standing in water while John poured water over him as a "strange fantasy" deriving from later church practice.
At the very base of the pillar there is a cross in relief, exhibiting parallels with similar early medieval depictions found elsewhere in Georgia, particularly at Bolnisi.
Late medieval depictions are often valuable records of domestic interiors and their fittings - at this period the setting was often in a wealthy household.
Persian miniatures, along with medieval depictions of Muhammad and angels in Islam, stand as prominent examples contrary to the modern Sunni tradition.
Pilate's wife is often, but not usually, shown in medieval depictions of the scenes including her husband, typically standing behind him, and sometimes whispering in his ear.
This image was popular in medieval depictions of Nebuchadnezzar.
These depictions derive from classical compositions of professors of philosophy or rhetoric with their students, and are similar to medieval depictions of contemporary university lectures.