On the walls of an upstairs room is preserved a late medieval pattern of stencilled black fleur-de-lys.
Below was a massive fireplace in a medieval pattern.
When the French came, it was in the usual late medieval pattern, for summer plundering expeditions rather than invasion.
Thus another aspect of the medieval pattern falls into place: a clerical career open to the talents but structured to the possessing class.
Augusto Bruschi was entrusted with decorative painting, covering walls with medieval and neo-cinquecento patterns.
The medieval pattern of settlement was scythe-shaped with tenements lining the main street running roughly parallel to the ridgeway from Orton to No man's heath.
The village itself has medieval origins and although the original houses have long been replaced the village still retains its medieval pattern.
Recent maintenance has made the maze conform to the standard medieval pattern.
The street was sliced through the previous medieval pattern of closes in order to give a more gentle gradient and wider thoroughfare to the station.
Both this and Anchor Close maintain the medieval pattern of Edinburgh's Old Town in this area.