He published the first printed edition of the Qur'an in Latin (Basel, 1543), based on the medieval translation of Robert of Ketton.
Three medieval polemical rabbinical translations of Matthew predate the Hutter Bible.
Current Catalan editions are available based on a medieval French translation.
The Old Norse Þiðrekssaga is a medieval translation of German legendary material into Norwegian.
Late medieval translations of the Latin text of the biography include: two German, two Spanish, six French, an Icelandic, and four Italian versions.
Altogether there are 13 medieval German translations before the Luther Bible.
The Bible Historiale was the predominant medieval translation of the Bible into French.
While the Bible historiale was by far the most popular medieval French translation of the Bible, it was not the first.
Le officine dei sensi (The anatomy of the senses: natural symbols in medieval and early modern Italy, English translation by Allan Cameron)
Hebrew Gospel of Matthew - 3 medieval rabbinical translations of Greek Matthew into Hebrew.