Accordingly, the worst thing someone can do as lead roller is roll three times, only to end up with a mediocre result.
This was a period of mediocre results, and for a decade not a single trophy was won.
"I think in the next year or so they have an opportunity to show mediocre results," he said.
At this stage of his career, he had played 13 Tests with mediocre results.
They earned only mediocre results there and were relegated twice.
They had some mediocre results until winning their Third Division group in 2009.
Even stores that weren't in the storms' paths complained of mediocre results, he said.
He was fired at the end of the next season due to mediocre results.
Five years on, we have seen the mediocre results of that.
That's the key economic argument for the distinction: if you treat an artist like a vendor, you'll often get mediocre results in return.