MCI-Framingham is currently a medium-security correctional facility for female offenders.
Mahanoy was one of four 1,000-bed medium-security correctional facilities constructed in Pennsylvania around the same time.
SCI Cresson opened in 1987, becoming a medium-security correctional facility for men.
A new medium-security facility is under construction at the site, which will have a capacity of 1,152 male inmates when completed.
The most cooperative detainees are moved to "Camp 4," a medium-security facility where they are permitted to wear white uniforms, rather than the standard prison orange.
One hint of Guantánamo's future may lie in the retrofitting of Camp 6, the brand-new medium-security facility that was to have opened this summer.
"New Hampshire felt that she required maximum security because she was a very high-profile inmate, and they only had a medium-security facility for women."
It now is a medium-security facility for men.
Because of the length of his sentence he will initially be placed in a medium-security facility.
He withdrew his application when the patient was transferred to a medium-security facility.