On the eastern shore, there is a calling port for medium-sized ships.
The damage inflicted is very powerful, and is able to destroy medium-sized ships with ease.
The next was made four days later against a medium-sized ship.
Waterways are highly needed because the rivers on these islands are not wide enough to hold medium-sized ships.
Suddenly the screen changed to reveal the tail-section of a medium-sized ship.
The river is navigable up to Harbin by medium-sized ships.
He was able to assemble two large ships, two medium-sized ships, two pataches and four galleys.
There is a pier from which small to medium-sized ships can be launched.
Accessible to small and medium-sized oceangoing ships, Brăila has large grain-handling and warehousing facilities.
Usually the bridge opens once every hour in order to allow small- and medium-sized ships to travel in and out of the Hörn.