Autry was so eager that he traveled across the country to meet Hunter in Ahoskie, N.C., 60 miles from Hertford.
I first met Hunter when I was a lieutenant in the Army at Fort Carson, Colo., in 1969.
Homer refuses to believe him and tries to meet Hunter.
Thirty minutes after the patrol's return, Brothi David met Hunter at the small lake's shoreline.
The crew meet Hunter, the lone survivor of a plane crash from the 1947 expedition.
She wanted Kevin to get to know Judd, and she wanted him to meet Hunter.
When morning comes, we'll see if we can meet Hunter somewhere and plan something.
"If people wanted to meet Hunter, they'd come to the Jerome."
We met Hunter and I began working for him, instead.
Accordingly, Luther arranged to meet Hunter again at the restaurant in San Ysidro where they had met earlier.