More importantly, they went out to meet Muhammad and to welcome him because his intention was henceforth to live with them in their own city.
At al Juhfah he met Muhammad and converted to Islam.
Urwah had met Muhammad before as an adversary, but he accepted Islam on this meeting.
He traveled to Arabia to meet Muhammad and died on the trip back, somewhere in today's Oman.
He meets Muhammad, a Muslim church leader.
When these two men met Muhammad and demanded he come with them, Muhammad refused.
Al-Ahnaf never met Muhammad because he remained with his people during Muhammad's lifetime.
Hudhayfah longed to meet Muhammad and from an early age he followed whatever news there was about him.
An angry Cruise agrees to do so, but only if they can help Cruise meet Muhammad.
Tufayl had returned to his village after meeting Muhammad and become a Muslim in the early years of his mission.