Meets Saturdays at 2 p.m. at the Lincoln Statue near the Pavilion in Union Square Park.
The group meets Saturdays at 2pm at the White Horse Tavern.
Meets Saturdays at 1 p.m. at the Dairy, midpark at 65th Street.
Meets Saturdays at 2 p.m. at the Lincoln statue at the north end of the square.
Meets Saturdays at noon at the Washington Arch.
Students meet for 26 Saturdays during the school year for anywhere from 3 to 9 hours.
Meets many Fridays and Saturdays at noon at the press gate when the team is away.
It will meet on at least eight Saturdays over the course of a year.
Meets Saturdays at noon at the arch in Washington Square.
In the winter, Full Moon Drumming meets Saturdays at a church.