'The Mother', page 10 There she first met Westerners and started to give Darshan.
"In the 1970s lots of people with no interest in theater came just to meet Westerners," Mr. Aronson said.
He grinned, then added: "Out on the ice, when it's dark, I feel - I know - there are Inuit who have never met Westerners, who wear fur and skins, and live as they have always done.
But the question on almost every Iraqi's lips when meeting Westerners was the one that nobody could answer: How long before the Americans push into the city to stay?
People have no access to Western publications or broadcasts, and they almost never meet Westerners, let alone Americans.
He said he planned to meet President Hussein and American and other Westerners being held at military and civilian installations in Iraq as human shields against any attack by American-led forces.
Tyson supposed that if he had accomplished his mission he might actually have met Picard, one of only a dozen or so Westerners who had taken refuge with the ARVN division.
There she first met Westerners and started to give Darshan.
His fifth master took him farther north to a village settlement where he met other Westerners, including some of his former companions from the Charles.