The Legislature met for the regular session on January 14, 1817; and adjourned on April 15.
The Legislature met for the regular session on January 23, 1805; and adjourned on April 10.
The Legislature met for the regular session at the State Capitol in Albany on January 5, 1910; and adjourned on May 27.
Members meet weekly both for weight recording ("weigh-in") and for the main session.
The Legislature met for the regular session on January 2, 1799; and both Houses adjourned on April 3.
The Legislature met for the regular session on January 31, 1815; and adjourned on April 18.
The Legislature met for the regular session on January 27, 1801; and adjourned on April 8.
Under Pope Julius III, the council met in Trent (1551-1552) for the 12th-16th session.
The Legislature met for the regular session on January 9, 1821, and adjourned on April 3.
The program was created by Ronald C. Hills in 1976 when 172 youth and 15 counselors met for the first session of the summer program.