The remaining three Congresses continued to meet intermittently, often in pro forma session, during the election period.
The Missionary Baptists, with a much smaller congregation, continued to meet intermittently throughout the 19th century.
About 200 lawyers, engineers and chemists have been meeting intermittently in the ballrooms of unfashionable hotels around Washington for several months, wrestling with the landmark Clean Air Act.
After meeting intermittently since January, they went from being stuck in traffic to speeding.
The commission met intermittently in Seoul but deadlocked over the issue of establishing a national government.
The Trust was inactive for the remaining ten years of his life, but he encouraged the trustees, who were his close disciples, to meet intermittently on trust matters.
An eight-member team of Council members met intermittently yesterday and Monday on listing priorities for additional programs, called "add-ons."
In some areas where the British military presence was especially strong (such as County Cork), the courts could only meet intermittently.
The Estates-General met intermittently until 1614 and rarely afterwards, but was not definitively dissolved until after the French Revolution.
The committee met intermittently over the next few years.